Krzysztof Konieczny 20 years of experience in the IT industry
/ VRtraining.cloud / Co-Owner of Company (Un)Hacked / Awareness Trainer / Trainer at cyfrowyskaut.pl / Member of ISSA Polska

We invite you to conduct training on-site or online
Surveys for participants before and after the classes.
Upon the client’s request, we can generate personalized training certificates.
A sample agenda that we agree on with the client in advance, tailored to the recipient’s expectations.
– Social engineering attacks (manipulation techniques in IT)
– How and where do attackers collect data about you?
– Social media – what are the risks
– Email
– Threats via the web
– Messengers
– Phone (social engineering, malware)
– LifeHack in the form of a game between the trainer and participant
– APT attacks, phishing, smishing, spear-phishing, pharming, spoofing, spam, spim, scam
– Password policy – what is a secure password, how to manage them?
– The problem of current software and backups
– Working with office suites (Microsoft Office, Open Office)
– Safe work with email programs (Outlook, Thunderbird, Gmail, IceWarp)
– Working with a web browser
– What about graphic files?
– Using mobile devices (phones, tablets, laptops)
– VPN – when and why to use it
– Why and how to talk to children about cybersecurity
– Safe use of wireless networks (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth)
– Storing and deleting data
– Remote access to company resources
– Safety on holidays and trips
– NASK, CERT, Helpline for children and youth
– IoT at home – SmartHome
– Blackouts and other unforeseen situations
– AI / Machine Learning
– Antivirus, why it is important and necessary
– KAC (Anonymous Cyber Victim Club)
At the end of our workshops, we conduct my original KAC workshop. The “Anonymous Cyber Victim Club” is a type of consultation for incidents reported by training participants that affected them. Ideally, it starts with: “Hi, my name is [e.g., Andrzej], and some time ago I had a situation where…” I really enjoy my KAC workshops because they always surprise me, and together we have a chance to verify and learn about the incidents of new participants.
In addition to the classic training, for those who couldn’t attend or for new people, we offer our awareness training Company(un)hacked.
Our training offer in the form of a lecture, along with a VR application and recorded videos, is a comprehensive package for any company.
The training lasts about 3 hours in total, and we recommend approaching it in 3-4 sessions to ensure that the immersion and intensity of the action do not tire the participant. Due to its game-like format – a closed environment, the need for focus, and mission execution – our VR training becomes an excellent knowledge supplement and is an ideal solution for new people.
The training is dedicated to those who could not participate in regular training, new individuals, or those who simply want to test themselves and experience the metaverse. Those interested can take our training at their convenience, learn the most important attack techniques, threats, and get acquainted with VR technology😎.
#Training on VR glasses #CompanyUnhacked
We approach all inquiries about the possibility of providing our training with great respect and understanding 😁. We continuously strive to develop and adapt our training package to meet the needs of our clients so that they can effectively train their employees and implement the programs and directives of our country and the EU.
You can order the course from us for as low as 3500 PLN net for 4 hours. Send us a registration form, and we will provide you with an exact quote based on your expectations and schedule.